Community TV

Your local source of entertainment and information, Community TV is the YouTube of free-to-air television.

What is ACTA?

The Australian Community Television Alliance (ACTA) is a not-for-profit industry association, representing free-to-air community television (CTV) channels licensed by the Australian Government under the Cth. Broadcasting Services Act, 1992.

ACTA has been established to represent existing and potential CTV licensees and to advance the interests of community television in Australia.

ACTA is governed by an executive group, currently consisting of the heads of the capital city CTV stations.

Full voting membership of ACTA is open to CTV licensees who broadcast for more than 12 hours per day, for at least 5 days per week. Non-voting associate membership is open to CTV licensees not meeting this qualification.

What is Community TV?

Community TV services deliver local information and entertainment programming, satisfying the needs of their local communities. CTV services have production values that are distinct from network and pay television, tending to provide innovative and niche programming, often produced on low budgets.

The value of this programming is in catering to distinct community interests not served by network or pay TV, and contributing to the overall diversity of the broadcasting industry in Australia.

Contact us

The ACTA governing body can be contacted via email at

Australia's CTV stations can be contacted using the below links: